You are currently viewing How to Get Your Car Back on the Road After an Accident: A Step-By-Step Guide for Ontarians

An accident can be a traumatic experience, leaving you with not just emotional scars but also a damaged vehicle. If you’re an Ontarian wondering how to navigate the post-accident maze and get your car back on the road, you’ve come to the right place. This blog post is your comprehensive guide to understanding the steps involved in car repair after an accident.

Step 1: Assess the Damage and Ensure Safety

Before anything else:

  1. Make sure everyone involved is safe and unharmed.
  2. Assess the damage to your vehicle.
  3. Take photos and document the scene, which will be crucial when filing an insurance claim.
  4. For more on what to do immediately after an accident, read our blog post In Case You Are in an Accident.

Step 2: Contact Your Insurance Company

Notify your insurance company as soon as possible. They will guide you through the process of filing a claim. Be prepared to provide all necessary documentation, including accident reports and photos. For tips on dealing with insurance companies, check out Avoid These Lies When Dealing with Auto Insurance.

Step 3: Choose a Body Shop

You have the right to choose where your car gets repaired. While your insurance company may suggest preferred vendors, you’re not obligated to use them. Consider factors like reputation, expertise, and location when choosing a body shop. For more on this, read What to Look for When Choosing a Body Shop in Brampton.

Step 4: Get an Estimate

Once you’ve chosen a body shop, the next step is to get an estimate for the repairs. This will give you an idea of the cost and the extent of the damage. For a hassle-free experience, you can get a Free Estimate for Auto Collision Repairs from

Step 5: Coordinate the Repairs

After you’ve received an estimate and it’s been approved by your insurance, coordinate with the body shop for the repairs. This may include scheduling, parts ordering, and setting up a rental car if needed. Learn more about our 360-degree Solution for Car and SUV Accident Repairs.

Step 6: Review and Pick Up Your Vehicle

Once the repairs are complete, review the work carefully to ensure it meets your expectations. Make sure to get all the necessary paperwork, including warranties and itemized bills. For peace of mind, offers a Lifetime Warranty on our work.

Step 7: Post-Repair Care

After you’ve got your car back, it’s essential to follow any post-repair care instructions provided by the body shop. This will help maintain the quality of the repairs and the longevity of your vehicle. For tips on maintaining your vehicle, read Winter Car Care Tips: Keep Your Vehicle in Top Position Possible During Winter.

Your Next Step

Getting your car back on the road after an accident can be a complex process, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you’re ready to take the next step, reach out to us through the Contact Us page on We’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Narinder Aujla

In addition to writing, Narinder is a certified automotive body technician specializing in all aspects of vehicle body repair, including collision, aesthetics, and safety. He has been behind the quality of work and success of Auto Hut Truck Center (dedicated to heavy-duty commercial fleets) and Auto Hut (Dedicated to personal vehicle accident repairs) for over two decades. Repairing large commercial vehicles and premium car customizations are two of his specialties in the auto body repair industry.